Phonozoic Text Archive, Document 143

The Carbonel Phonograph

From the printed record of American Graphophone Company vs. United States Phonograph Company.  Engineering, Vol. 27, p. 326.
  April 18, 1879.

            The Phonograph.--the Abbé Carbonel, of the Belsunce School, Marseilles, has been experimenting with the phonograph, and concludes that the recording and rehearsing diaphragms should be distinct, the former having a very sonorous plate operating on very stiff, hard foil, the latter a delicate membrane like that of the ear.  The foil could be made from a copper band thinly coated with wax to take the impression, and corroded afterwards by acid so as to obtain a hard metal cast; but this is necessarily a defective process.  The Abbé, therefore, employs albumen spread upon paper or other base, instead of the wax applied to the copper.  The soft albumen record is afterward hardened in a well-known manner, and a hard matrix, whose dints vary in depth with the intensity of the sound, is obtained.  As a means of reproducing the sounds he suggests the use of Savart's wheel instead of a vibrating plate.