Phonozoic Text Archive, Document 072

"The Phonograph.  Edison's Wonderful Invention to be Exhibited Here," Indianapolis News, June 6, 1878.

The following correspondence explains itself:

Jas. Redpath, Esq., General Manager of the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company, New York City:

Dear Sir--The voice of the phonograph has only been heard in our city as yet through the medium of the newspapers.  We desire to hear its actual speech; and believing that a public exhibition of its powers in our city will command general attention, and be instructive and entertaining to our citizens as well as profitable to the exhibitors, we hope you will make such arrangements as will insure and exhibition of this marvelous invention of Mr. Edison's here at an early date.  Yours respectfully,

T. A. Hendricks,
E. B. Martindale,
John H. Holliday,
John D Nicholas,
Austin H Brown,
W. A. Bartlett,
E T Cox,
Aug Bessonies,
W P Bingham,
A J Halford,
W. H. Craft.
J H Bayliss
L P Harlan,
John Coburn,
M G McLain,
John A Holman,
Albert Gall,
Charles M Walker,
C F R Wappenhaus,
W R Holloway,
H E Drew,
Brainard Rorison,
O S Runnels,
Warren Randolph,
Joseph R Perry,
James N Mayhew,

And many others.

Gentlemen: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of June 1, in which you request me to exhibit Mr. Edison's speaking phonograph in Indianapolis.  It will give me great pleasure to comply with your invitation.  As I can not exhibit it in person I have appointed Prof. Eli F. Brown, of your city, to illustrate its principles, and demonstrate its right to be regarded as the most marvelous invention of the century.   Very respectfully, JAMES REDPATH.
To Messrs. T. A. Hendricks, E. B. Martindale, John H. Holliday, John D. Nichols, Austin H. Brown, W. A. Bartlett, E. T. Cox, Aug. Bessonies, and others, Indianapolis, Ind.